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Have you ever used the randomize feature of Massive? I’m guessing there will be two camps here – No – I didn’t even know it existed Yes – But the results are unpredictable and generally useless. What if I told you that you can actually use it to enhance your own sounds or presets you buy or that ship with Massive? Most people assume when you hit the random button on your synth you’re going to end up with, at worst a giant mess or at best something sonically interesting but unusable in your productions. I guess it’s like the monkeys with the typewriter – at some point if I keep hitting the buttons something valuable will be spat out the other end! However, I’m going to show you that actually applying the randomize feature to just about any sound can result in some amazing variations for your music – whilst also removing any sterility and introducing texture and substance you probably couldn’t have programmed yourself.
It’s almost like controlled chaos! This one won’t take long – but I bet if you already aren’t using this it’s going to become one of your favorite tools in Massive! First I want you to open up any sound – doesn’t matter if it’s a stock preset or one of your own (this won’t really work on an ‘init’ patch) Hit the ‘Global’ tab as per above image. Download Free Pointers On C Reek Pdf Reader. Section Overview Now you may or may not be familiar with the above parameters – beginners keep reading more advanced users can skip down.
Elektroinstallation Symbols Pdf Merge there. You will notice 4 squares with numbers in them – OSC, Filter, Insert FX and Master FX. There are 3 things to note in the whole panel: • – The boxes simply represent the various modules in Massive (OSC represents the 5 OSC modules – 3 OSC’s, MOD OSC and the Noise OSC etc) • – The numbers in the box represent the% of randomization that will be introduced to the corresponding modules • – Under the title ‘Randomize’ there is a list of 5 items – these allow you to select what is affected in each module (you can select all of them or just one) This is a very powerful set of tools! Practical use of the Randomize feature For example, lets assume that I have really nice and clean pad but I want to quickly try changing up the wavetable positions with some wavetable POS or AMP variations without adding various MODs.
You can try this with your own sound right now. Select ‘Parameter’ from under the ‘Randomize’ header and in the OSC block change the% amount to a small number like 10% (doesn’t matter what you choose but keep it small for this tutorial purpose). This means you are going to change the chosen module parameters by only 10% either way (positive or negative). Swap Magic 3 8 Ps2 Iso Creator.
Under the block is the word ‘Random’ with a little square next to it – this square is the button to action the randomization. So go ahead and try clicking this little button (keep your eye on the knobs in the OSCs) and listen what it does to your sound!
Try playing the sound again – you should be hearing some slight differences. Very nice click again and again! When you hear something you like save out the sound and keep going. This is why it’s such a powerful tool – it can allow you to make minute changes to your sound without deviating to far from the original sound. It can help you stumble in directions you may not have thought about or wouldn’t have tried. I love to apply this trick to every sound I make or use to instantly explore the capabilities of my patches that I normally wouldn’t try.
In fact this is a great way of quickly making up a bank of sounds with your own sonic signature! You can go as soft or as extreme as you like with the% difference. The higher the% number the more extreme the change. What else can i do with this? MOD Depths What’s also cool is playing with the mod depths (modulation depth – essentially how far round the colored ring goes on a knob) – so deselect ‘Parameter’ and try selecting ‘Mod Depths’. Hit the Randomize button and you’ll see your modulation amounts change. Again – start small and tweak from there.
I usually start with a sound and start going crazy with the random button on my OSC’s & MOD Depths to quickly make a collection of complimentary sounds. 30 mins of doing this can result in tens of unique sounds! Wavetables Yeah that’s right – you can also choose random wavetables! I like to mix this one up with MOD depth randomization (by placing an LFO on the WT-POS) for some real out the box stuff. To do this just select ‘Type Select’ in the list. What this is also great for is if I have a nice sound with lots of nice rhythmic pattern in place with Performer or some complex pitch control with Stepper – but I don’t like the sonic sound itself.