Auto Manual Traffic Exchange Script

I am thinking of starting my own manual traffic exchange business but my problem is, I don't have a credit card or any money for that matter to spent on a traffic exchange script. So does anyone know where I can get a free Traffic Exchange script? Billing Program Amicus Attorney there. ? I would greatly appreciate it if I got a free script because when I make some money I would definately buy a better script so that it would be a better experience for each of my customers. I have searched almost every where to find a free traffic exchange script but so far I've been unsucessful. I don't have any friend that would buy the script for me and then in turn I would pay them back even with great interest, my friends can't help me anyway because they have the same problem as me, they don't have any credit card. So does anyone have a clue or any idea where I can get a free traffic exchange script?

Lcd Font Maker 3.92 Serial. LJScripts Basic Auto/Manual V2 Traffic Exchange Script Package. Includes Start-Page features for both surfers! Why surf for others? Free Traffic Exchange Script - Free Website Traffic Generator Booster PC and Mac Software - Get famous by Increasing the Number of Views to your Sites, Videos, Blogs, Social Media Sites etc. LJScripts unique traffic exchange scripts and software, get paid to surf, read, click, refer and promote scripts. Ever wanted to start your own REAL, low cost online. Auto traffic exchange, manual traffic exchange, banner exchange, text ad exchange, splash pages, professional traffic exchange script in PHP by A1TXPro Software.

Auto Surf Script Basic

Any helpful suggestion would be greatly appreciated. I can assure you I have searched extensively and have NOT found one. There is one listed on SourceForge, but its not manual, and it does not work. You can try the one from Ventrino for 30 days free. You won't make enough to pay for it in 30 days though (I tried. Lol.) You can get it at

Incidentally, if I had the money, that's the one I'd pay for. (If you found this helpful, you can always add to my reputation. And if you do find one, please remember me and let me know where it's at too!). I just installed that open source traffic exchange script from SourceForge and it does work. It has a readme file that just barely gives enough info for a non programmer to figure out but it definitely has all its parts there. I had a fee hosting account but it did allow for one database and that is all I needed. I had to register the data base and it took some time but got that done.