Driver Loader Windows 8

Enhzflep 3-Nov-09 21:31 3-Nov-09 21:31 Nice work! It's nice to see an article with some real meat. I followed along with a book a while back, 'Rootkits: Subverting the Windows Kernel', and remembered having come across just the same issue of how to load and unload the driver at will.
They provided a link to a small tool for this, which, while not as polished or as feature rich as yours, is quite handy all the same. Perhaps you're interested: [] (and yes, I have scanned/tried it - it's not malicious, it just does what it says on the tin. Hey there, thanks mate Yeah, i knew about instdrv app Well, my tool is pretty simple, it is probably simplier then instdrv, because it has only what i need in most times and only basic things. There is a lot of options still to add, like select driver type, autostart, driver group, etc.
In version 4th i will add more options, and want to add voice control, but first i need to make to work this speech stuff on my windows server (i am not using Client windows editions) - this might be pretty tricky to implement. ZwSetSystemInformation is tricky stuff - some times it works, some - no. It doesnt work on windows server editions either, for example. To get idea why it is not working - debug app, or just take a piece of code from DLoad with this zwsetsysteminformation function, declare a status variable and catch return code. Then open ntstatus.h header and look for a returned code.
There is an API for the event log in kernel mode. See IoAllocateErrorLogEntry and IoWriteErrorLogEntry. I don't know if they are slow or fast. You should use DbgPrint for trace calls and use WinDbg from the Windows kernel debugging tools for debugging your drivers. WinDbg is a really good debugger,. Debug errors occured while loading or unloading a kernel-mode driver, a simple Windows OS utility useful for software developers and. Kernel-Mode Driver Loader v1.2.
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