Etzel Walker Stanton 14th Edition Marketing Ideas

Etzel Walker Stanton 14th Edition Marketing IdeasEtzel Walker Stanton 14th Edition Marketing Ideas

Definition of Marketing This article contains a compilation of definitions proposed institutions and experts on marketing, including the American Marketing Association, The Chartered Institute of Marketing, Kotler, Stanton, McCarthy, Howard, Al Ries, Jack Trout. Fusionfall Download more. It also includes a structural analysis reveals the critical elements of the definition of marketing. Definition of Marketing, experts in the field: • For the American Marketing Association (AMA): “The marketing is a function of the organization and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers, and to handle relations with the latter, so that benefit all organization “[5]. • Philip Kotler, author of “Marketing Management”: “The marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through generating, providing and exchanging products of value with his fellows “ [ 1]. • Jerome McCarthy, Trailblazer Award from the American Marketing Asociation: “ The marketing is conducting activities that aim to meet the goals of an organization, to anticipate consumer or customer requirements and to channel a flow of suitable goods needs and services the producer to the consumer or customer pays “. • For Stanton, Etzel and Walker, authors of the book “Fundamentals of Marketing”: ” The marketing system is a total business activities designed to plan products satisfactions of needs, assign prices, promote and distribute them to target markets in order to achieve the objectives of the organization “[2].

Howard of the University of Columbia: The marketing is the process of: • Identify consumer needs. • Conceptualize such needs based on the ability of the company to produce. • Communicate that conceptualization to have the ability to decision making in the company. • Conceptualize production in relation to the previously identified consumer needs. • Communicate that consumer conceptualization “[3]. • For consultants Al Ries and Jack Trout, authors of “The War of Marketing”: The term marketing means “war”. Both consultants, believe that a company should be directed to the competitor; that is, to devote more time to the analysis of each “participant” in the market, giving a list of competitive strengths and weaknesses, as well as an action plan to exploit them and defend them.