Gossen Sixtino 2 User Manual
2 Gossen Foto- und Lichtmesstechnik GmbH 1 Preparation. 1.1 Battery 7 1.2 Self- test. 7 1.3 Selecting the function groups: DIP switches in the battery compartment. 8 2 Display panel 2.1 The display panel and its elements. 9 2.2 Display duration.
GOSSEN Lunasix 3 Exposure Meter. User manual in French is the. COLORMASTER GOSSEN PROFISIX SBC GOSSEN SIXTOMAT 2 GOSSEN SIXTINO GOSSEN SIXTRON. Get Gossen STARLITE 2 User Manual. Get all Gossen manuals!
10 2.3 Key Lock. 10 3 Operating elements 3.1 ISO1 - IS02; selecting the film speed 11 3.2 Menu. 12 3.3 Setting wheel. 12 3.4 Measuring buttons M and AVR 12 3.5 Measuring head with optical viewfinder 1 ° or 5° Flat dome- spherical dome.

13 4 This is how the Starlite 2 works 4.1 Incident and reflected light measuring. Functions - Ambient light 5.1 Aperture priority.
16 5.2 Exposure time priority. 17 5.3 Exposure value EV. 17 5.4 Contrast measuring in the t and EV functions. 18 5.5 Averaging value AVR in the t and EV functions. 19 5.6 Selecting the exposure time values.
Oblivion Iso Download Crack Idm here. 20 5.7 Taking measurements in the zone system. 21 6 Measuring functions- Flash light 6.1 Flash light measuring. 23 6.2 Flash calculation for changed meas. 24 6.3 Multiple flash calculation. 24 6.4 Average value.
25 7 Taking a measuring outside the measuring range - display range 7.1 Taking a measurem. Outside the meas. Range 26 7.2 Taking a measurement outside the display range. 26 8 Setting and measuring correction values and extension factors 8.1 Setting correction values. 27 9 CINE meter for cinematographers - PHOTOMETRY 9.1 Preselecting the Cine speeds 29 9.2 Taking measurements in the CINE function 29 9.3 Setting the shutter angle. 30 10 Photometry 10.1 Selecting the Photometry display unit. 31 10.2 Meas.
The Illumination Lux (Ix) or footcandle (fc) 31 10.3 Measuring the luminance candela/m² (cd/m²) or footLambert (fL). 32 10.4 Measuring time-integral values (lxs, fcs, cds/m 2, fLs). 33 11 Practical tips 34 12 Technical data. 37 13 Service Interface 39 14 Service.