Install Xpdf Centos 6

Hi, for searching pdf's on my web site I need to have pdfinfo and pdftotext from the xpdf package running. My hosting company has xpdf installed, but starting it resulted in a memory access fault. It appears that this version of xpdf is not the right one for the CentOS version running. And yes, yum sees no reason to update anything: # yum update xpdf* Setting up Update Process Could not find update match for xpdf No Packages marked for Update # yum list xpdf* xpdf.x86_64 1:3.02-15.el5 installed I read in other threads that CentOS 5 has dropped xpdf (?) and installing poppler is recommended. However compiling poppler is nothing I can ask my hoster for. (I myself have no root access.) So I just want to ask: Has anyone pdfinfo and pdftotext running under CentOS 5.2? And can he perhaps mail me or point me to the binaries?

Mar 28, 2010 I read in other threads that CentOS 5 has dropped xpdf (?). Best I could suggest is to get the system administrator to install. Managing Linux Systems with Webmin – Install Webmin Centos 6. Conventions Used in this Book 5. Acknowledgments 5. 2 Installing Webmin. Mar 06, 2017 Video Tutorial: How to install CentOS 6.5 with Oracle VirtualBox on Windows 7.

Install Xpdf Centos 6

If you have no control over the system, and don't have root, then adding the EPEL repo is not going to work. Best I could suggest is to get the system administrator to install the epel-release package and then the xpdf package. If that doesn't work, then one might be able to kludge something by installing binaries and libraries under the user directory, but that would be far from simple or ideal. The approach would be to use rpm2cpio to extract to the user's home directory and set things up so the required binaries are on the path and libraries can be found using LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Ok, they say they installed poppler - not telling me where, so as the (defunct) xpdf installation was in /usr/bin/xpdf/, I entered /usr/bin/poppler/ into the config file of the search engine. However, it didn't find pdftotext nor pdfinfo there.

Crack Topsolid 2011 Gratuitous Arp more. Is the poppler directory tree different? I guess I might find this information myself in the rpm (or not?), but the EPEL rpm link you gave me seems to point to some sort of meta rpm since it's only 12 kB big. (From all this above you can easily conclude that I'm not at all Linux-savvy.). If that doesn't work, then one might be able to kludge something by installing binaries and libraries under the user directory, but that would be far from simple or ideal. The approach would be to use rpm2cpio to extract to the user's home directory and set things up so the required binaries are on the path and libraries can be found using LD_LIBRARY_PATH.