Samsung Galaxy S3 Wifi Chipset Broadcom Layoff

Inside the Samsung Galaxy S4 Smartphone – Cementing a legacy If there is one thing I have learned in my years on this planet, it would be that it is human nature to staunchly choose sides. Whether it is Republican or Democrat, Coke or Pepsi, and Mac or PC, people love to rally behind the products they love and disparage the ones they don’t. In the case of the smartphone industry, this product battle was an evolution, albeit a slow one. Smartphones had been around for some time before the Apple iPhone changed the industry. Suddenly, smartphones were cool and, to be cool, one naturally had to forgo their BlackBerry or Nokia for an iPhone and it’s simple, intuitive iOS operating system and iPod integration. Just like anything designated “cool” by the masses, a counter-culture to the iPhone phenomenon had to exist for those who didn’t want to “conform” to the masses and purchase an Apple handset.

Samsung Galaxy S3 Wifi Chipset Broadcom Layoff 2017Samsung Galaxy S3 Wifi Chipset Broadcom Layoffs

When Google introduced the Android OS, the opposite crowd rallied behind it and the argument became Apple vs. Samsung then introduced the Galaxy S handset. Incorporating the Android OS platform and a similar approach to design like Apple, Samsung took a design approach of giving consumers more than what the current version of the iPhone could offer. Give them everything the iPhone can do, and then give them MORE. The Galaxy S became the flagship handset not only of Samsung but also of the Android platform. The Samsung Galaxy SII built up the success of the S upon its release and helped pull Android’s usage numbers ahead of iOS.

Then came the handset that firmly established Samsung as the choice of the handset counter-culture – the Samsung Galaxy SIII. The SIII, offering many features that its competitor, the iPhone 4, could not match, was a resounding success – selling over 40 million units since its launch. A larger, high-resolution screen, a more powerful quad-core processor (or dual-core for some models) and LTE coverage offered by the Samsung Galaxy SIII helped create new battle lines. You were now in one of two camps – iPhone or Galaxy S. Go no further than any popular electronics site like Engadget or Gizmodo to see the vitriol these two camps throw at each other in an attempt to persuade others that their handset is better than the competitors. When the iPhone 5 was released in September, Galaxy S fans scoffed at Apple’s latest offering, deriding the product as a feeble attempt at offering what the Galaxy SIII already did months before when it was launched. It was then that the hype for the Samsung Galaxy SIV began in earnest.

“Can you imagine what Samsung has up its sleeve for its next handset?” was a familiar refrain in the handset industry, as Samsung had firmly established itself as the innovator of the smartphone market. Speculations abound over what the next iteration of the Galaxy S would offer. Flexible screen? A new flavor of Android unseen on any other handset? Would Samsung be able to deliver on what was rumored as the next big thing in smartphones? On March 14, at a press event in New York City, Samsung officially introduced the Samsung Galaxy SIV.

Looking to overwhelm their competitors in the smartphone space with an array of features not yet seen before in other handsets, the Galaxy SIV went with the “bigger is better” adage. Now incorporating a 5-inch OLED display (taking a cue from the success of the Galaxy Note family of hybrid tablet-phones), certain models of the Samsung Galaxy SIV will also incorporate the first processor to utilize eight cores – the Samsung Exynos Octa. Using Android’s Jelly Bean 4.2.1 operating system, the Galaxy SIV features some technical firsts such as smarter eye-tracking software, for example Smart Pause and Smart Scroll, and a “hovering” feature that utilizes air gestures and finger movement to navigate through the OS. Inside the Samsung Galaxy S4 Based on the resounding success of the Galaxy SIII, many in the industry are wondering if Samsung would be able to continue delivering on the technology inside their feature handset. Immediately noticeable upon removing it from its box is the screen-to-case ratio.

It is evident that Samsung has maximized the size of the screen while reducing the size of the bezel around it. Doing so keeps the Galaxy S4 comparable in size and form factor to handsets with smaller screens like the Nexus 4 or the Galaxy S3. Utilizing a 5.0 inch screen featuring Samsung’s proprietary Super AMOLED (1080 x 1920 pixels) technology, the edges of the display nearly touch the sides of the phone.

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