Sims 3 Asian Face Mods For Oblivion

The Han are small in stature but physically tough and resistant to disease and poison. They are naturally attuned to the world's magical energies, which makes them gifted in the use of magicka and highly resistant to its damaging effects. The Han Race conforms to Bethesda Softwork's default start characteristics: 320 Base Attributes and 45 Skill Bonus. Elsawin Final Code Keygen Download.

Starting Base Attributes: Strength = 40 Intelligence = 40 Willpower = 50 Agility = 30 Speed = 30 Endurance = 50 Luck = 50 Personality = 30 Starting Skill Bonus: Hand to Hand = 10 Blade = 10 Sneak = 5 Armorer = 5 Marksman = 5 Destruction = 5 Restoration = 5 This is my attempt to create a new playable race in Oblivion with a truly Asian appearance. I began by modifying the original human head mesh to include epicanthal folds on the eyes, the most obviously unique Asian feature. Then I used the Construction Set's Race facegen tools to create what I hope is a good base for generating uniquely individual Asian playable characters within the game's opening character generation screens. I have had good luck creating decent-looking Han characters with just the random face generator and the age slider. Additional tweaking can create even better results. Oblivion's default Imperial body meshes and textures have been used in order to allow other player-created body mods to work successfully with the Han Race.

Sims 3 Asian Face Mods For OblivionSims 4 Mods